Welcome to our new website!

After School Club

Please note that After School Club fees can be paid on an ad hoc basis. These can be paid for via ParentPay, by cash or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Plymouth CAST (and not St John's). The school cannot take card payments in the school office. Card payments may only be transacted through ParentPay.

Half session: (3.20pm start - 4.30pm)
Fee: £5.00
Full Session: (3.20pm start - 5.45pm Monday - Thursday)
As of week commencing 20.02.23 (onwards) - Fridays 3.20pm - 4.30pm (ONLY)
Fee: £7.50 (includes drink and snack)

Mrs Hill runs the club from the after school club classroom along with the playground (if the weather permits) - (a sign on the collection door will notify you if they are outside on these days).

Please note: The collection point for after school club is: up the slope to the rear of the building and the first door on the right hand side has a door bell.  Please ring the bell to notify you are there.

Mrs Hill looks forward to welcoming you to this club.