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Big Acorns

Spring Term 2 in Big Acorns Reception Class

Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope you have had a lovely half term break and are ready to come back to school for another exciting term. Here is what we have planned:

Big Acorns are now beginning to read and write sentences in short texts called ‘ditties’. Please support your child to practice their ditty sheets or books at home each night, when possible. Your child’s reading record will now be checked once or twice a week by either myself or Mrs Bridgeman so please record when you read with your child. Reading at home can make a huge difference to your child’s fluency and reading confidence.
We will start this half term by continuing to learn about measure and exploring weight. After this, we will revisit number bonds, this time to 10, and then move onto subtraction, finishing with exploring pattern at the end of the half term.
Our RE learning will focus on preparing for Easter through the season of Lent. We will make pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday and we will explore how Lent is a time that we care for others and grow in love for Jesus. At the end of the term, we will learn about the events of Holy Week when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
This term’s PE days for Acorns will be Wednesday and Friday and children should come to school wearing their PE clothes and trainers on these days. On Wednesdays the children will continue their Rugby Tots sessions with the wonderful instructor Angus and on Fridays they will take part in multi-sports sessions lead by Premier Sports.
Expressive Arts:
In music sessions, we will be going on a journey around the world and discovering the music of Australia, Ireland, India, Africa and South America. In art sessions, we will continuing learning to work with clay by designing and making our clay animal models.
Understanding the World:
We will be learning all about space, the first Moon Landing and the space travel that happens now. We will make our own rockets from junk modelling and explore fiction and non-fiction texts about space and the moon.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Helen Hewson - Foundation Stage Teacher and Leader
Spring Term 1 in Big Acorns
Happy New Year everyone! We have an exciting term ahead for the start of 2025:
This term in Phonics Big Acorns will be beginning to learn to read and write the set one digraphs which we call "Special Friends." sh, th, ch, qu, ng, nk
The children will then begin to read and write short sentences in miniature stories called ditties.
Big Acorns will being to make comparisons of numbers up to ten this term using the vocabulary "more" and "fewer". They will then move onto revisit the part-whole model and begin to combine two amounts up to a total of 10.
Acorns will start the term by thinking about the Kings visit to baby Jesus, the gifts they brought to him and the significance of these gifts.
They will then move on to learn about Jesus welcoming all the children and consider ways that we can welcome people.
A favourite part of this unit of work is the Feeding of the 5000 when the children will bake their own bread to share with one another and think about how Jesus looks after everyone. They will spend time thinking of ways we can look after and care for each other.
This term's PE is gymnastics and Rugby Tots.
Acorns will start to learn about sculpture this term in art and will have the opportunity to experiment with different sculpture materials: playdough, plasticine and clay. They will design their own clay animal and then use various techniques to mould and sculpt this.
Our focus for music this term will be the feelings evoked through music and will involve talking about, moving to and playing music with different moods.
Understanding the World
Our exciting topic this term is The Arctic and the children will be learning about the type of landscapes there are in the Arctic and the animals that inhabit this frozen world.
Autumn Term 2
We are continuing to learn our set one sounds as well as practicing and improving our blending and segmenting skills.
Shape, one more and one less and number bonds to five will be our focus for maths this term.
Understanding the World:
This term Big Acorns will be learning all about our lives Past and Present including family trees, shopping now and shopping of the past, how transport has changed through the years and if our toys are the same as our grandparents.
In art, we will be experimenting with different methods of painting this term, including making our own paintbrushes from natural resources.
We will spend our music sessions practicing our songs for the Nativity play: Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!
The story of Christmas will be broken down each week with a different part of the story to focus on:
  • Angel Gabriel Visits Mary
  • Joseph and Mary Travel to Bethlehem
  • The baby Jesus is born in a stable
  • The Shepherds hear the news from the Angels and tell all that they see on their Journey
  • Advent is a time to prepare for the birth of Jesus
With an exciting term ahead, we can't wait to get started!
Big Acorns Reception Class

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to the Autumn term 2024 in Big Acorns class!
We have been so excited to welcome the children into school as Big Acorns and they all look so smart in their school uniform! We hope that they have enjoyed their first day as Big Acorns and that they share some of the exciting things that they have done.

Grown-ups in Acorns Class:
Big Acorns is taught by Mrs Helen Hewson as Acorns Class Teacher. Mrs Hill is the Teaching Assistant across Big and Little Acorns. Mrs Bridgeman is the Big Acorns class Teaching Assistant and the children will also work alongside staff in Little Acorns (preschool) Mrs Layla Palmer and Mrs Laura Weeks.

PE Days:
Big Acorns have Rugby Tots on Wednesdays and should come to school wearing their PE kits and trainers. PE kit consists of a red polo top, black shorts/leggings/joggers and a plain red or black jumper. Children can wear trainers to school on PE days.
On Friday afternoons, Big Acorns will have forest school sessions. A letter will follow with information about this, but children will wear their forest school clothes into school on Fridays. Wellington boots can be brought into school in a bag and placed on your child’s peg. Children will also need all-in-one suits or waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat. We have a few of these which can be borrowed if necessary.

Snack and drink:
Children need to bring a named healthy snack to school each day. This can be placed into our snack basket and will be given to children at break time in the morning. Children only need to bring a small snack (1-2 items) so they have time to play as well as eat snack!
Children should also bring a refillable, named bottle with their drink in. This can be water or squash and can also be placed in our bottle box each morning.
We also provide milk and fruit each day for snack times.

A sun hat and suncream should be provided while the weather is still nice and then during the winter months a hat, scarf and gloved should be placed in your child’s bag or on their peg. Please name all items so that don’t get lost. Please also name your child’s cardigan/jumper as these often get lost or muddled if not named!

School Lunches:
Children in reception class (Big Acorns) are entitled to free school meals. A menu will be provided which details the hot item choices for each day/week. There is also jacket potato, tomato pasta, ham sandwich or cheese sandwich available each day. If your child is unsure about lunches, let us know what you think they will eat best, and we will ensure that they select that option. Some parents prefer to highlight preferred choices on the menu for their child and return to us. We can then copy it and return it to you so we can ensure the correct choice is ordered each day. We will let you know if there is a meal or food that your child does not eat well for the next time it is on the menu.
Children can bring a home packed lunch if preferred. Some parents provide a few extra snack items in case their child doesn’t like the school lunch, but this is totally up to you.

Communication with parents:
We use Tapestry as an electronic learning journey where we share photos and videos of your child at school. You will be provided with a permission form for this if you are not already signed up. You can also add your own photos and videos to Tapestry which we love to share in school.
Class Dojo is a messaging app that I use to communicate with parents as a group or for individual messaging. Parents can message me privately and I encourage you to do this if you have any questions/queries. I will try to ensure that I pass on all messages via dojo so please sign up for this once you receive an invite. If you have any problems accessing Dojo or Tapestry please do not hesitate to ask.
Our school admin team send messages and the school newsletter using Parent Mail and any bills can be paid using Parent Pay. You will receive logins for this as soon as the admin team have set up your account. Pop into the school office and speak to Mrs Kendall Heard or Mrs Fiona Herbert if you need help with these. You can also call 01884 2536430 or email [email protected] to contact the school office.
You can also email Mrs Hewson:
[email protected]

Topics this term:
This term, our main topic is, ‘All About Ourselves,’ including learning about families and creating our own family trees. We will also explore ‘Wonderful Weather’, harvest and healthy foods and the festivals of Bonfire Night, Remembrance and Diwali. There will be so much more, and we will let you know about our learning via Tapestry and Dojo. Sometimes, we may ask you to send things into school to support your child’s learning so please don’t hesitate to send something in if you feel it is relevant to our topics!

Reading, Maths and Writing:
We will begin our Read, Write, Inc phonics programme and Power Maths during the first few weeks of term. A date for an evening to find out about how we teach reading and phonics will be communicated to you and at this meeting I will explain our schemes a little more and ensure that you feel able to support your child with reading and writing.
As soon as your child starts to learn letter sounds, they will bring home their first reading books. We will explain about supporting your child with this at the reading meeting, but again please ask if you need support. Your child will also bring home some picture/story books to share at bedtime and these are for you to read to your child. Please keep the school reading books in the plastic wallet provided and library books in your child’s bookbag. We ask that books are financially replaced if they are lost or damaged as they are costly to the school. Please refrain from putting your child’s drink in their book bag as this is often the biggest cause of damaged books!
Finally, thank you for sharing your child with us. We are so looking forward to our fantastic year ahead and we hope your child enjoys their time in Big Acorns with us. At St. John’s we pride ourselves on our relationships with families, so we welcome you to share your child’s journey with us. We love to hear all about the great experiences they have at home too. We love to share news and wow moments.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Helen Hewson
Foundation Stage Teacher and Leader