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Breakfast Club

St John’s Breakfast Club

At St John’s Breakfast Club, we welcome all children from rising 3s to 11 years of age. We open at 8am and provide the children with a healthy start to the day. We have a lovely, relaxed atmosphere, with fun things to do to set the children up for the day!

* Please ensure that if you wish your child to have a breakfast, a packed breakfast is brought in for them to eat in a named plastic container, that can be taken home again.

Please note that Breakfast Club fees can be paid on an ad hoc basis. These can be paid for via ParentPay, by cash or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Plymouth CAST (and not St John's). The school cannot take card payments in the school office. Card payments may only be transacted through ParentPay.

Full Session: (8am start - staff to then collect children at their designated start times and will be taken to their class bubble)
Fee: £2.00 (does not include breakfast) - * Please ensure that if you wish your child to have a breakfast, a packed breakfast is brought in for them to eat in a named plastic container, that can be taken home again.

Mrs Palmer will provide various activities in the School Hall for this provision.

We look forward to welcoming your child to the Breakfast Club.

Please contact the school office on 01884 253630, or email [email protected]