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Home Learning

Home Learning Autumn '24

Home Learning for the Autumn Term will be reading, weekly spellings and times tables.

Spellings to learn will be sent home weekly and tested on a Tuesday or Thursday depending on which group the children are in. There will be 10 spellings to learn and will be a mixture of spellings based on spelling patterns studied in class, high frequency words, topic words and words from the  Year 5/6 statutory spelling list.

All children have an individual login for timestables.co.uk which they should use regularly to learn their tables and to practise the multiplication check test to improve and maintain fluency.

There are several other great online activities children can use to practise their tables:

http://www.timestables.me.uk/ - choose the tables you would like to practise
https://www.multiplication.com/ - lots of fun games to help practise tables
All children also have access to MathsFlex on which they can practise the maths skills we have been working on in class. 

Everyone in Oak is also expected to read and quiz regularly on AR, working towards their individual target.