Welcome to our new website!

Information about our Tea and Tots Baby and Toddler Group


We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our Tea and Tots Baby and Toddler Group.
We hope that you will enjoy the time you and your child/children spend with us.

The group will run each Tuesday in Term Time from 2pm – 3.15pm at St John’s Catholic Primary School, Melbourne Street, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 8LB
We welcome children aged between birth and 5 years old, along with their parents or carers. Wider family members are also welcome and we very much look forward to welcoming you

Adults must take responsibility for their child/children for the duration of the session and parents/carers will be supported by qualified Early Years practitioners

Claire Webber and Helen Hewson – Foundation Stage Teachers,
Layla Palmer, Sally Bridgeman and Sarah Pearce – Early Years Teaching Assistants

Staff will lead craft, snack, story and singing opportunities during the session.

Sessions cost £1 per family and money can be placed in the tin on arrival.

Key Information

Nappy Changing/Toilet Facilities - Nappy changing and toilet facilities are provided just outside the school hall in the disabled toilet space. A changing mat, wet wipes and nappy sacks will be provided. Nappies need to be taken home for disposal as the school, has no nappy disposal facilities.

Mobile Phones – Due to safeguarding reasons, we ask that no mobile phones are used during the session and that all phones are kept inside bags or pockets.

Phones may be used outside of the hall (outdoors) on the slope leading into the hall.

Illnesses – We ask parents/carers to refrain from bringing their child/children to the session if they are suffering from a contagious illness (e.g. chicken pox, conjunctivitis, impetigo etc.). Please contact the session organiser – details above if you are unsure,

Children should not be brought to the session until at least 48 hours after any sickness or diahorrea episodes.

Medical Needs – Please make us aware if your child has any medical needs or allergies, by competing the relevant section on the registration form.

Photo Permission – We may on occasions, take photographs of children/families attending the group. These photographs may be used for publicity purposes on our school website or Facebook/Twitter page. Please do let us know if you do not give permission of your or your child’s photograph to be used on these sites. Permission can be given on our registration form.

Signing In – Please ensure that you sign yourself and your child into the session on the signing in sheet. This allows us to ensure that everyone is safely evacuated and accounted for should the fire alarm sound.

Fire evacuation – Please follow instructions from staff if the fire alarm is raised. Evacuation onto the school carpark will be led by the staff organising the group and a register will be called once everyone is evacuated. Please ensure you wait until the register is called before you leave the premises so we can ensure everyone is accounted for.

If you need to leave a session early, please ensure you sign out on the register.

Questions/Concerns – If you have any concerns, questions or ideas, please contact Claire Webber – session organiser on the details above or speak to the staff leading the session. All complaints will be dealt with in the strictest confidence, following the school’s complaints procedure.

Visits to the school/preschool – You would be most welcome to take a tour/visit of our school and preschool. Please contact Claire Webber on the detail above to arrange a visit at a mutually suitable date/time.

We accept children from Rising Three (from the term in which they are 3) until aged 11 (Year 6).

You can also find out more about St John’s School by exploring our school website – www.stjohnstiverton.co.uk