Welcome to our new website!

Little Acorns

Preschool Application Form
Hello and Welcome to Little Acorns (Preschool) at St John's School.

Thank you for choosing to send your child to St John's and we really look forward to sharing their time in Little Acorns with you.

Little Acorns preschool class is part of our Foundation Stage Teacher led unit and the Foundation Stage teachers Mrs Claire Webber and Mrs Helen Hewson lead an Early Years team of highly qualified Early Years practitioners.

Our Early Years practitioners are:
Miss Layla Hill
Mrs Tina Hill

Once started in Little Acorns, your child will be assigned a Key Person who will take responsibility for your child's learning and development during their time in little Acorns. They will be your main point of contact for your child and will guide you and your child on their journey through the Early Years curriculum.

Children in Little Acorns are guided through a playful approach to access all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, focusing mainly on the prime areas of Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language. Children also learn early literacy skills, early mathematics, to understand the world around them and to be expressive in arts and design.

Your child's Tapestry online learning journey will be accessible to you as a parent throughout their time in Acorns and we encourage you to log on and look at this regularly to see your child's learning. Please speak to Mrs Webber if you need support with this. We love to see what your child is up to at home, so if you wish to add your own comments or observations to your child's learning journey then please do so. You can also take a WOW sheet from our parent notice board to record any wow moments at home.

Messages and stories will also be added to our Class Dojo page, so please ensure that you have logged into your child's account to view important reminders and snapshots of learning that happens in Acorns. Again, please see Mrs Webber if you need support with this.

We operate a very open door policy. so please just don't hesitate to speak to a member of the EYFS staff if you have any questions, queries or concerns and we will try to answer them.

We really look forward to sharing your child's exciting school adventure with you and can't wait to share all their brilliant learning moments with you.

Thank you for sharing your child with us!

Kind regards

Claire Webber and Helen Hewson
Early Years Leaders and Foundation Stage Teachers
[email protected]
[email protected]

What are we learning about in Little Acorns?
Sun Safety Policy - renewed annually