Welcome to our new website!

Our GIFT Team

On Friday, 21st October. The G.I.F.T team visited each class to encourage those who buy pumpkins this time of year, to buy real ones rather than plastic ones. To make good use of them and to be more sustainable with them.

They gave us lots of ideas of what we can do with real pumpkins.

For example, making a soup, curry, pie or cake which will feed family, friends and neighbours.

Chopping up the flesh part into bite size pieces for the wildlife, toasting the seeds and to make birdfeeders from the carcass.

These ideas and others will help to prevent the thousands of pumpkins that go to landfill each year. When items go to landfill, they cause more damage to our earth.

Plastic does not compost, it damages and effects the wildlife, us and our world.

Please help us to make a pledge to be more sustainable in the world.

We are hoping that you will send in photos of what you turned your pumpkin in to: [email protected]

When we return from half term break, we will make a display for all to see!


MacMillan Coffee Afternoon 30.09.2022 - Thank you to all who made this event a success and a special thanks to Mrs Gills for donating some delicious bakes and treats!
12.09.2022: A couple of representatives went to the Proclamation of the new King and remembrance service of the late Queen.

Meet the Team!
GIFT ‘Growing in Faith Together’ Team

St John's has a dedicated GIFT team who have a vital role to play in enhancing the Religious Life of our school.

We currently have 5 year 6 pupils.

The GIFT team have a very important job to spread the Word of God throughout our school and the school community. It is their mission to interpret scripture so that children can better understand stories from the Bible and relate them to their own lives. The GIFT team help to lead prayer, prepare prayer areas, deliver collective worship and organise liturgical events.

As members of the GIFT Team, we are called to lead our school by following in the footsteps of Jesus. Every day we live by the gospel values and show others how they can do the same. Being a member of the GIFT Team is a challenging but very rewarding task.

The aims of the St. John’s GIFT Team are:
  • To help the school to grow as a community of faith
  • To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living
  • To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
  • To involve pupils in fundraising for charities
  • To continue to develop strong links with the Parish
  • To support the school in its Mission Statement

The duties of the GIFT Team include:

* Helping to plan and lead assemblies and Masses
* Organising and leading class prayer times with other pupils
* Lead lunchtime prayer club opportunities throughout the year e.g., Rosary, Prayer Garden, Stations of the Cross
* Ensuring that class and communal prayer areas are tidy and reflect the season
* Organising fund raising for charity
* Supporting younger children with their spiritual development
* Help to monitor and improve the Catholic life of our school