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PE Curriculum Map - 2023-2024
Our Intent for P.E. and Sport at St John’s

At St John’s School, we strongly believe that children should understand the importance of undertaking physical activity in order to develop a healthy lifestyle and the benefits that come from this. It is also important to us that they develop a lifelong love for being physically active and for participating in sport and exercise. Our aim is for all children to have equal access to high quality PE provision across the school, as well as many extra-curricular opportunities. We are members of the Tiverton Community Learning Partnership School Games and compete in a wide range of sporting competitions against other local primary schools.

We were awarded the Gold Award in the School Games scheme for the last four years (2018-2022)

Each class is timetabled to have two sessions of curriculum PE a week (or whole afternoon of swimming for 1 half term per academic year) .

Our PE curriculum ensures that the children progress and improve their physical skills capabilities by undertaking a range of different sports and active education that cover all of the elements of the National Curriculum and develop their cores skills.

Our wide ranging PE curriculum and extra-curricular sporting opportunities help every child to flourish and enable us to embed our core gospel values such as courage, humility, kindness and integrity

Continuing Professional Development. St. John’s has already started to up-skill its team from meal time assistants to subject co-ordinators in order to build confidence and increase the importance of PE as part of the school day. From this, we hope to see an increase in the number of children achieving at or above expectation in P.E. lessons.

Sustainability. All purchases in the future will be made with longevity in mind, as well as value for money. We have invested in wall-mounted and floor gymnastics apparatus to help our children build their core body stability through gymnastics lessons. We have also bought playtime equipment to encourage active playtimes for all of our children.


We want:
  • Every child to take part in every PE lesson;
  • At least 75% of pupils to attend a minimum of 1 out of school sporting event annually;
  • To increase participation rates in our after school sports club provision to 70%.

Long Term Objectives.
St John’s will plan spending carefully to ensure a sustainable future for P.E and sport.
Current spending can be viewed on the Sports Premium tab of this website.
Sports Premium | St John's Catholic Primary and Pre-school (secure-primarysite.net)
Future spending will be decided through consultation with stakeholders, requiring careful consideration.

PE Progression from EYFS - Y6