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Reading Overview

At the heart of our curriculum is a focus on reading. Reading is the gateway to the curriculum and the single most important life skill we can bestow on our pupils.

We begin in the Pre-School and EYFS where children are taught synthetic phonics using the Read, Write, Inc programme. The children are taught at the stage of their development rather than age. We supplement this with small group coaching and interventions to ensure, wherever possible, children keep up with their peers. Through the Pupil Premium and Recovery Funds we have invested in a highly skilled team of practitioners with the sole aim of making sure all children are confident readers as they go into KS2.

The reading journey continues into KS2 with specific focus on the acquisition and development of reading skills through dedicated reading lessons. In these lessons children develop their use of; inference, predicting, questioning, summarising and retelling. The KS2 reading curriculum is carefully planned to ensure these skills are built-on and revisited regularly. Books are specifically chosen to ensure a breadth of reading experiences which in turn allows for the acquisition of knowledge ready for the next stage of their education.

We continue to run interventions for those children in KS2 who are not at age-related expectations. Across the curriculum scaffolding is provided for these children so they can access the learning with their peers.

At St John’s we also want the children to develop a love of reading. Every child accesses a wide-ranging and culturally rich diet of literature through our school reading spine. These books are carefully selected to supplement and support the growth of children’s subject knowledge across the curriculum and to spark imagination and wonder in our young people. Children also read daily and we use the Accelerated reader scheme to promote independence of choice and to celebrate reading progress.

Ambition- What are we aiming for children with SEND to achieve in this subject?
By the time children leave St John’s they are able to read for enjoyment as well as having an understanding of what they are reading so that they can be successful in everyday life.

A big thank you to Tesco community funds for helping us create our new shared reading space!
Access- What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SEND to achieve? 
  • Give children books that they can decode and build their confidence
  • Expose children to higher level texts through teacher voice to improve their comprehension and vocabulary
  • Children have access to interventions and pre and post teaching, where needed
  • Multimedia approach to all teaching ensures greater access