Welcome to our new website!

School Council

This term we have re-launched our school council. It is very different from the traditional school council model but it means that everyone in our school has their say and can make a difference!

The most important part of our school council is the class meetings. These are designed so that everyone gets the opportunity to have their say on an issue or put forward an idea t make the school and our community better.

These ideas are then all filtered back to our Communications Team. The Communication Team is made up of the following roles:

Action Team Developer
Progress Board Updater
Question Finder
Class Meeting Tool Leader
Staff Liaison

Children apply for these roles and are elected by their peers.

As well as a Communications Team we have Action Teams. These are groups of pupils who volunteer to run and event or complete a task. Anybody can volunteer for these groups, meaning everyone can GET INVOLVED!

Communication Team Job Roles

Our School Council Policy