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Our Science curriculum provides full coverage of the primary science programmes of study. The curriculum is designed to give children access to all of the subject knowledge required to progress in their learning, coupled with opportunity to work scientifically in a range of contexts designed to embed concepts and skills.

We aim to teach science through contexts that are meaningful. Content is set in a range of interesting contexts that are relevant to our pupils. Children are encouraged to relate the science they are learning to their own lives as well as working in context in the wider world. Through these contexts, children revisit areas of study to consolidate learning so they remember more.

We provide regular opportunities for pupils to engage in hands-on practical activity. In these sessions pupils are taught to engage in asking questions and developing skills in:

  • Observations over time
  • Fair and comparative tests
  • Identification and classification
  • Research
  • Pattern seeking.

As in all subjects, it is critical that children develop their vocabulary so they are best placed to access the learning and make progress. At the start of every unit, vocabulary is shared with the children. We assess their ability to use these scientific words appropriately as we believe they are an indicator of the development of their knowledge and skills.

In order to assess the impact of our curriculum, teachers regularly assess the children against the expectations of the unit. This can be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Regular quizzing and low-stakes tests
  • Observations of the children working scientifically
  • Immediate feedback using the school’s agreed policy
  • End of unit assessment tasks
  • Formative assessments (KS2).

Ambition- What are we aiming for children with SEND to achieve in this subject?
  • We must be aware that a child’s scientific ability and inquiring mind is not directly related to their writing or maths ability.
  • Children should be given the opportunity to create their own investigations with support appropriate to their SEN learning barriers.
  • Children must be given the opportunity to ask their own questions as well as complete teacher-led enquiries.
Access- What amendments are made to the subject in order to help children with SEND to achieve?
  • Revise facts and key vocabulary from prior sessions.
  • Key vocabulary referenced often with examples given.
  • Children work in mixed ability groups when conducting scientific investigations with teacher/TA overseeing groups and offering assistance when required.
  • When writing up investigations, children can be supplied with an investigation sheet. Key vocabulary and picture clues to be used to help them to organise their ideas and findings clearly.
  • Classroom displays / working walls are used as visual prompts; they include facts, images, key vocabulary and child friendly definitions.