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About Us - Acorns

Our Foundation Stage Unit

We currently run as a Foundation Stage Unit where all Foundation aged children are known as ‘Acorns’.

Preschool Children are ‘Little Acorns’ and Children in Reception Class are ‘Big Acorns’

Telephone Number 01884 253630 ext 2

About Us

St John’s Foundation Stage is part St John’s Catholic Primary School Academy, where all Foundation Stage aged children - (2-5 years old) are based together in a purpose built Foundation Stage Unit on the school premises. In June 2019, we were graded as an 'GOOD' Early Years Foundation Stage Unit.
The aim of our Foundation Stage Unit is to provide educational experiences of the highest quality. Our learning through play approach is designed to meet the statutory requirements for the Early Years education and is led by a Qualified Foundation Stage Teacher and her team of Early Years trained staff, in a well-organised and attractive environment.

In our Foundation Stage, we aim to meet the educational and developmental needs of children from the term before their third birthday (Rising 3) through to the end of the year in which they are five years old (This is the official Foundation Stage as laid down by the government).

Working together as a Foundation Stage benefits all the children by offering;
  • A richly stimulating environment
  • Buddy systems and group work to encourage older, more confident children to encourage, support and learn alongside their younger peers
  • Support for those children who need greater play experience and daily nurture groups, providing support for new and young children.
  • Support to children when they are ready to explore more, helping them to develop to their full potential.
  • Improved co-operation and partnership between the Foundation Stage age groups and Year 1 in the main school.
  • A high quality and consistent education for children throughout the whole of the Foundation Stage,
  • A seamless setting for children’s learning and care during their early years
  • A specialist provision staffed by adults trained to teach the Foundation Stage Curriculum who have the time to get to know each child well.
  • Shared resources, with the school, including a designated outdoor classroom, use of the school field, forest school and school hall.
  • A seamless transition for children from Little Acorns (Pre-school) into Big Acorns (Reception class).
Our EYFS Vision

Here at St John's, we believe that the first years at our school are a fundamental stage in your child’s life. One of our main aims is to ensure children have a love for learning as soon as possible which will then stay with them through the rest of their time here at our school. Through high quality practice, our staff in EYFS will help to nurture your child. They will observe and listen intently to your child’s interests as well as help them to shape their own learning through questioning, giving children time to reflect and through modelling key skills. Careful planning by staff members is carried out to meet the needs of each individual member of the class allowing them to reach their full potential. We value children’s views and opinions. We invite children to shape their own learning through prioritising child directed play. Our aim is to get children to learn at their best through being deeply engaged and tuned into what they are doing. We want children to be engrossed in their learning naturally promoting concentration at a young age. We aim to turn every possible situation in to a learning opportunity. The environment in which your child will learn will be safe, calm, inclusive and organised. It will promote, independent learning, problem solving, challenge and for children to take positive risks whilst flourishing in all aspects of their development. We want children to explore the 3 characteristics of effective learning: playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically. Children will learn a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum which has an emphasis on the development of reading, children’s vocabulary and writing. This curriculum will be carefully delivered through child initiated play and adult led activities. At the start of your child’s journey in our EYFS setting we prioritise communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development. Once these vital skills are embedded we know they can carry on to make progress in all the other significant areas without barriers to their learning. On a daily basis, our EYFS staff will involve your child in assessment of their own progress. They will be involved in completing their own learning journey throughout the year. We value strong links with parents and carers and also want you to contribute to the learning journey with your observations and pictures. These contributions will allow us to have a complete picture of a child’s learning and developments for their significant first year at our school allowing them to make the best start they can going into Year 1.

Our EYFS Intent

  • All staff and SLT have a clear vision for EYFS at St John's
  • Children gain a love for learning as soon as possible which will establish a firm foundation for the next stage of their education.
  • Children will learn a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum which has an emphasis on the development of reading, children’s vocabulary and writing.
  • Children deepen their learning through focused direct teaching and continuous provision.
  • To ensure teaching of Phonics is at least ‘Good’ children have books closely matched to their reading development.
  • All children to make at least expected progress in Phonics.
  • For all children to have regular and high-quality opportunities to write.
  • To increase the number of children who reach the ELGs by the end of the Reception year, particularly in Reading, Writing and Number.
  • To increase the number of children achieving GLD each year.
  • Baseline will be undertaken within the first 4 weeks to capture the child’s starting points accurately and will be used to plan to meet their emerging needs.
  • For parents to be involved in their child’s online learning journey in EYFS and to have strong links with the school, this enabling us to gain a complete picture of their learning and developments.

Curriculum overview:
Here at St John's, we are using the revised EYFS Framework as well as Development Matters as a curriculum reference. However, each learning opportunity is planned to address the specific needs of each cohort which is continually addressed through accurate use of formative and summative assessment alongside children’s interests. We have a long-term plan, medium term plans and fortnightly/weekly plans which are all flexible to meet the emerging needs of each child.