Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to St John’s Catholic School

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to St John's Catholic Primary and Pre-School.

We are all immensely proud of our school and committed to making it the best possible place to inspire children to learn and grow. We wish for our children to shine from the inside out: we are ambitious for all the children; we have high expectations for their academic achievement as well as placing a great deal of emphasis on a broad and balanced curriculum which excites and nurtures our children.

At St John's, learning is inspiring and challenging. We strive for excellence; providing the children with the learning skills, mind set and a love for life-long learning to help them flourish at St John's and beyond.

Care and respect for one another are the norm as we follow the Gospel values of Jesus Christ. We are a school that  prides itself on the work it does within the community and our mission of service spreads beyond the doors of the school building.

We are a school that prides itself on the work it does within the community and our mission of service spreads beyond the doors of the school building.

We hope that our website gives you a feel of the thriving and special place St John's Primary School is. If you would like to know more, please do get in touch; we would be delighted to show you around.