Your teachers this year are: Mrs Yeandle and Mrs Carr. Your teaching assistants are: Mrs West, Mrs Pearce and Mrs Eva. For one afternoon per week Mrs Hewson will teach music and Mrs Kelly will teach RE to Maple.
As mathematicians, Year 1 have been learning about numbers to 10 and starting to partition these numbers. They have been practising subtraction and addition and finding fact famillies for a part part whole model. After this they will learn about 2 D and 3 D shapes.
This half-term, Year 2 will focus their English learning around the book "The Naughty Bus" where they will practise writing an adventure story, following the story pattern, using expanded noun phrases, past tense verbs and punctuating their sentences correctly. Their second book is called "Snow in the Garden" and they will write a set of instructions to make a Christmas craft. Their writing will focus on punctuation and sentence types including commands.
As scientists, Year 1 will be exploring sseasons, wether and day and night. We will look at how to measure the different elements of the weather. Year 2 are learning about the needs of anilmals. They will look at a range of diets for different animals including humans. These include herbivore, omnivore and carnivore.
In RE Year 1 will be looking at the story of advent, starting with the Anunciation when the Angel Gabriel came to Mary and leading up to Jesus' birth.
In Art they will focus on mark making and creating different effects using different lines e.g. cross hatch, straight, squiggles.
In PSHE and RHE we will look at ''Celebrating Difference". Within this unit they will explore how we are similar and different from others and how we can celebrate each other for these. During the week of 11/11/24 we will recognise anti-bullying week by focussing our lessons and assemplies around the theme from the anti-bullying alliance "Choose Respect". After this we will look at how friendships are important and what qualities are required in a good friend.
Below you will find the key vocabulary which will be used in each unit. Please talk to your child about these key words to find out more about what they have been learning!
Please come back soon to see what we’ve been up to!