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About Us - Sycamore

Welcome to Sycamore Class

Sycamore Class is a mixture of children from Year 4 and Year 5 who learn together first thing in the morning, for English lessons and every afternoon.

In the mornings we start the day with mental maths or quiet reading, followed by a short time of prayer before we split into separate year groups for Maths.

The rest of our morning and our afternoons are spent studying a variety of texts in English and exploring a range of subjects across the wider curriculum.

Summer Term

In Science we will begin the term by learning all about forces, including how the moon and Earth are affected by gravity as well as the effects of friction, air resistance and upthrust. We will also explore floating and sinking.

In Geography we will be learning all about Scandinavia. We will find out about the different biomes of the different Scandinavian countries as well as the physical and human geographical features you find there and comparing them to those found in the UK. We will spend some time finding out about how Scandinavians generate electricity, again comparing it to how energy is generated in the UK. Finally, we will learn about traditions and customs of the different countries and prepare a guide to one of the countries that make up Scandinavia.
After half term our history topic it will lead us to explore the impact of the wool trade on the development of Tiverton.

Our PE lessons this term will be athletics on Mondays and cricket with Premier Sports on Fridays. 

In computing lessons, we will be creating our own stop motion animation films.

In RE will be learning about The Story of the Road to Emmaus and The Ascension before finding out about the mystery of the Trinity and the development of the Early Church.

In music this term we will be listening to In The Hall of the Mountain King from Peer Gynt Suite. This will link to our geography topic as the suite is based on the story from a  Norwegian play and composed by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg.
In art we will be using the work of Hundertwasser as inspiration for our own European architectural creations which will be displayed as part of our arts evening later in the term.

In Spanish we will be learning all about Fruit.

We will also continue to work on our times tables and spellings and explore a wide variety of texts in our guided reading sessions.